Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Counseling Together

We learn from Elder Ballard the sacredness of Quorum Councils.  He shared great insight on the process of the Proclamation to the World as it came through the direction of quorum councils.  After understanding this process better, this can be a wonderful addition to our marriages as we find guidance in our decisions as a couple. Following the same outline the quorum uses would give us direction on how the council should run as a couple bringing the spirit into the meeting. 

I love the idea of having an agenda prepared at least the night before so couples have time to ponder the issues that need to be discussed.  This invites the spirit into our lives, giving us guidance in our thoughts to be discussed the next evening.  When the meeting takes place, the couple has the opportunity to invite the spirit in by allowing their hearts to be soften as they share their love and appreciation for one another. Couples will have different opinions on issues and this may take time to talk through them.  Being patient may take practice as we allow our spouse to make their point.  By not interrupting them as they express their feelings will allow the meeting to flow with the spirit. As couples continue to work through their topics of discussion, hopefully they will reach an agreeable outcome.  If they don’t come to an agreement, they can stop for the evening and try again the next day.  Sometimes it takes more than one council to solve or make decisions, this has taken place within the Quorum of the Twelve as they have continued their discussions until all are in agreement.  The Lord has said, “every decision made by either of these quorums must be by the unanimous voice of the same; that is, every member in each quorum must be agreed to its decisions, in order to make their decisions of the same power or validity one with another” (D&C 107:27). Being in agreement allows each person’s voice to be heard and the spirit allows those opinions to come together in unity for the family.  This can be a great way to strengthen our marriages and I look forward to doing this in my home.

This is a great resource for learning how to counsel together as a family. 

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